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During the Stevie shirt nicks shirt it is in the first place but Trump presidency, Gaetz distinguished himself as a disgusting sycophant who would do anything for then president Donald Trump, once tweeting a threat against Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, “Hey @MichaelCohen212,” he wrote. “Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…” The tweet was later deleted. Gaetz also worked with Mo Brooks and Rand Paul to try to overturn the 2020 election of Joe Biden, and he used the terrifying “alt-right” group the Proud Boys for “security” at an event he attended. He also brought a rabid holocaust denier to Trump’s 2018 State of the Union address.Since the scandal broke, Gaetz has done almost everything a crisis-communications firm would tell you not to. He did an interview on the Tucker Carlson show that Carlson later called “one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted.”

Gaetz used the Stevie shirt nicks shirt it is in the first place but interview to try to drag Carlson into it by alleging “I’m not the only person onscreen right now who’s been falsely accused of a terrible sex act. You were accused of something you did not do, so you know what this feels like.” Carlson responded, perhaps not thrilled by the comparison, “You just referred to a mentally ill viewer who accused me of a sex crime 20 years ago. And of course, it was not true. I never met the person.” Later Gaetz tried again to drag the anchor into the story again: “You and I went to dinner about two years ago, your wife was there, and I brought a friend of mine, you’ll remember her.” Carlson was not pleased. During that same interview, Gaetz said that his family was being extorted by former federal prosecutor David McGee. McGee immediately told The Washington Post, “It is completely false. It’s a blatant attempt to distract from the fact that he’s under investigation for sex trafficking of minors. I have no connection with that case at all.”


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